Alpha 5 - Stealth

I've not had much time to devote to the game over the last two weeks but I think there's just about enough for me to justify releasing Alpha 5.

I've squashed a highly annoying bug. Previously if you clicked on a new inventory item, the currently selected inventory item would be used before switching. This lead to frustrating situations like placing a fence post when switching to sword to fight off a zombie. This no longer happens. First click switches to the new item and any subsequent clicks use that item, in case you forget to move the mouse pointer off the item.

This has taught me an important lesson in game development. Even at alpha stage you have to address paper-cuts like this otherwise your testers won't be able to get to the things you actually want them to test.

The other significant change is that I've introduced a stealth mechanic to the game. Movement and actions now create sound. The louder the sound, the greater the distance over which you'll attract zombies. Keep quiet and you may be able to evade the zombies. This will become a more important option when I expand combat beyond it's very current very basic (and easy) implementation.

As usual, feedback welcome here, on Discord or Mastodon. I'm interested to know if releasing this frequently is a good thing or if I should wait and create more substantial releases.

Files 26 MB
Version 2.0.0-alpha-5 Mar 02, 2024 48 MB
Version 2.0.0-alpha-5 Mar 02, 2024 22 MB
Version 2.0.0-alpha-5 Mar 02, 2024

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