Alpha 6 - Inventory & crafting

Welcome to Alpha 6, the final alpha for Undead Farmstead 2!

The experiment to release every two weeks is over. The scale of change I could deliver in a two week period lead to some fairly thin releases, so from now on I'll release when I'm happy there's something significant worth people's renewed attention.

The first addition in this alpha is a chest inside the house that allows you to store more than the 9 types of item you can currently carry.

Also in the house is the new crafting table. Previously you could craft anywhere, now you need to go to the table to do this. In future I plan to split out specific crafting tables, e.g. create seeds in the greenhouse.

Some actions now require you to use a tool multiple times to complete. No more felling a tree with a single swing of your axe! Watch out for those zombies too...

Finally, the camera now stops at the edge of the map, so no more black borders on screen. Well, as long as you are running on a standard resolution. Fixing this properly for all resolutions is on my list of paper cuts for the beta. Talking of which...

With this alpha, I now feel that I've covered all the technical areas I need to. What comes next will be one or two beta releases, where I round out each area of the game ahead of a final release. This does not mean there are no new game mechanics to come. I think this will be necessary as my mind turns toward progression and balancing the game.

I expect it could easily be a couple of months before the first beta. The laundry list I accrued during the alpha phase is long. A little daunting but also exciting!

As usual, feedback welcome here, on Discord or Mastodon.

Files 30 MB
Version 2.0.0-alpha-6 Apr 01, 2024 52 MB
Version 2.0.0-alpha-6 Apr 01, 2024 24 MB
Version 2.0.0-alpha-6 Apr 01, 2024

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