Top selling zombie and farming game?!

Right now I'm very proud but somewhat bemused to say that Undead Farmstead is the top selling game on Twitch in both the Zombies and Farming categories. And I have the screenshots to prove it...

A couple of observations. Firstly, the "Top Sellers" ranking is transient, so this won't last unless I keep selling, which is unlikely because... Secondly, it only take literally just a couple of sales to push you to the top of the charts in these small categories. See how there are only 667 and 312 games on these charts, out of over a million games listed on Twitch.

So, all this excitement is because a couple of very kind and generous friends have forked out for a copy rather than take me up on the offer a free download.

For comparison, in the "popularity" charts – which is somewhat more opaque in ranking – Undead is at 69 out of 2,958 and 100 out of 7,982 respectively. This puts it many pages down inside those lists. When I look at the analytics right now I see traffic coming from the top sellers pages but nothing from the popular pages, which makes me think it's pretty critical to be "above the fold". Short of advertising to get more sales, it seems like the longer term strategy needs to be to boost the rating. More on that perhaps in a future post.

Get Undead Farmstead 2

Buy Now$3.00 USD or more

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